Flat available on instalment in kharbav station - Maharashtra - Houses for sale, Maharashtra - 1686126


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Flat available on instalment in kharbav station - Houses for sale

Ref. number: 1686126 Updated: 02-05-2014 12:05

Price: 630 000 INR Rs

Offering: Houses for sale in India, Maharashtra

Residence project in Paygaon between vasai to diva train Very close from station kharbav Area 300 sq.ft. Cost per sq ft Rs. 2100 Total Cost : Rs. 6, 30, 000/- Payment schedule Pay today booking amount RS. 1, 26, 000/- Pay 20% Plinth amount RS. 1, 26, 000/- Balance amount on instalment Pay Monthly amount Rs. 6300/- x 60 month Riya Residency in paygaon Project by dhanlaxmi developers Site address Paygaon, Near toll naka, Kaman – Vasai road, Bhiwandi Office address Ajanta Mall, Shop no 2, Bhaji market. Borivali West, Mumbai - 400092 Contact Person : Vinayak Parab Contact no. : 9819674832 / 9619833260 Visit http://omsaiestate.com/tag/dhanlaxmi-developer/

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