Lodha Palava City Dombivali - Maharashtra - Houses for sale, Maharashtra - 1797042


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Lodha Palava City Dombivali - Houses for sale

Ref. number: 1797042 Updated: 08-09-2014 09:28

Price: 4 500 000 INR Rs

Offering: Houses for sale in India, Maharashtra

Now buy a dream flat in Lodha Palava City in Dombivali. We offer 1/2/3 BHK flats with all basic amenities operational like school, hospitals, malls, market, security, etc. Call us on 022-69969696 or give a missed call on 09022062008 for a immediate call back. Visit: http://lodha-palava.com/

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Contact information
First name: Shiv
Last name: Ashish
Mobile number: 9867894247
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