Residential Projects in Khopoli available for sale within budget - Maharashtra - Houses for sale, Maharashtra - 2098382


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Residential Projects in Khopoli available for sale within budget - Houses for sale

Ref. number: 2098382 Updated: 07-12-2015 11:54

Price: 2 600 000 INR Rs

Offering: Houses for sale in India, Maharashtra

Bajaj Sahil is new upcoming apartment available for investor and property buyers. It is set in an abundance of nature with super deluxe 1BHK, 2BHK flats. Bajaj Sahil is a Residential Apartment in Khopoli available for sale. It is co-operative society with spacious 140 deluxe flats of 1BHK and 2BHK with 2 washrooms and balconies in each flat. It is build up with super deluxe modern amenities like shopping complex, Restaurants, Ample parking space, Khavu galli, bus facility etc. Booking is started and it will be best investment for property buyers. You can contact us at: 9821211127 / 9821354888

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Contact information
First name: Mukesh
Last name: Bajaj
Phone number: 9821211127
Mobile number: 9821211127
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