Property in Thane West - Piramal Vaikunth - Maharashtra - Houses for sale, Maharashtra - 2210404


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Property in Thane West - Piramal Vaikunth - Houses for sale

Ref. number: 2210404 Updated: 04-04-2016 14:43

Offering: Houses for sale in India, Maharashtra

Looking for real estate properties in Thane? Check out the new properties in thane - Piramal Vaikunth as houses an exquisite collection of apartments and town homes in the heart of Thane. Surrounded by lush hills, lakes and nature reserves, it offers residents unique avenues to reconnect with the environment while enjoying the comforts of city life. For more details :

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First name: Varun
Last name: Joshi
Phone number: 022 6216 6216
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