Prototech 3d services Data Interoperability Development - Maharashtra - IT services, Internet services, web services, Maharashtra - 3084783


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Prototech 3d services Data Interoperability Development - IT services, Internet services, web services

Ref. number: 3084783 Updated: 12-04-2023 13:04

Price: 411 057 INR Rs

Offering: IT services, Internet services, web services in India, Maharashtra

A top supplier of 3D software technology solutions is ProtoTech Solutions. We are specialists in developing cloud and mobile applications, data interoperability, and 3D visualization. The challenge of CAD Data Exchange (or Interoperability) is unsolvable. This comparison is used because attempting to tackle the problem on your own will consume all of your focus, attention, and energy. And like most traps, this one of traps, this one likewise seems incredibly easy and alluring to solve on your own. We can assist you in making an informed decision so that you may maintain focus and spend your money wisely. Our knowledge of engineering data formats (B-Rep and Viz-Rep both viz. STEP, IGES, JT, SAT, X_T, PDF, OBJ, STL, etc.) and the toolkits that are utilized (HOOPS/Exchange, Datakit, InterOp, Open Design Alliance(ODA), etc.)

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First name: swati
Last name: sonar
Phone number: 08767959142
Mobile number: 08767959142
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