Get IT Training and website development in kalyan with guaranteed placement - Maharashtra - Marketing jobs, advertising jobs, pr, Maharashtra - 3153619


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Get IT Training and website development in kalyan with guaranteed placement - Marketing jobs, advertising jobs, pr

Ref. number: 3153619 Updated: 26-06-2024 10:32

Price: 10 000 INR Rs

Offering: Marketing jobs, advertising jobs, pr in India, Maharashtra

Kumarinfotech is one of the leading and fastest growing IT companies and IT training centre in Kalyan, India. We have been providing solutions to our clients in various technical fields since 2020. We also assist candidates in developing their IT skills by matching them with corporate trainings, internships and positions in various companies. We are the leading digital marketing company in kalyan, Mumbai and provide quality leads to every business. To help our clients run their businesses more smoothly and profitably while maintaining their track record, we offer a variety of services such as social media marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, Google Adwords, software development, mobile app development and e-commerce development. Our primary goal is to generate leads and promote each company's brand. To get more information visit us on our official Website

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Contact information
First name: Kumar
Last name: Dwivedi
Mobile number: 7725064078
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