Industrial Heater,Industrial Infrared Heaters Company - Maharashtra - Industrial Tools & Equipment, Maharashtra - 799645


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Industrial Heater, Industrial Infrared Heaters Company - Industrial Tools & Equipment

Ref. number: 799645 Updated: 10-10-2011 13:44

Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in India, Maharashtra

KERONE is a recognized leader in the field of tubular electrical heating elements, known for the quality and performance of its products and its services. kerone aims at producing standard and customers specific electrical tubular heater for various industrial & domestic use produced as per national & international standards Policy. KERONE is to build client specific products & services to meet the growing demand for industrial and home appliances.Kerone is having strong footholds in Manufacturing and exporting Industrial Infrared Heaters including Domestic Heaters, Industrial Heating Equipments and many more equipment in India and outside.Contact us now to get best deals on all types of Industrial Heaters. Contact us at: Tel:022-28195820 5, Marudhar Industrial Estate, Goddev Road, Panchal Road, Opposite Old Syndicate Bank, Industrial Estate, Mumbai, Maharashtra-400105

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First name: kamlesh
Last name: singh
Phone number: 011-45064370
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